Welsh Language Policy


The Welsh language is one of the treasures of Wales. It is part of what defines us as people and as a nation. We have aligned with the Welsh Governments vision to see the number of people able to enjoy speaking and using Welsh reaching one million by 2050.

This Welsh Language Policy is published in accordance with the Welsh Language Standards, as set out by the Welsh Government under Section 44 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.

Here at Simplelifeco, we treat the English and Welsh languages on the basis of equality. We are an organisation that welcomes correspondence in both English and Welsh and we aim to provide an equal standard of service in both languages over time.

We see this policy as forming part of a progressive and forward-looking commitment to promote a bilingual Wales.

We look to:

  • Lead by example in our use of and approach towards the Welsh language.

  • Offer a service of equal standing to Welsh and English speakers.

  • Understand and acknowledge the bilingual nature of Wales.

  • Raise our Welsh profile and recognise ownership by Welsh speakers and non-Welsh speakers alike.

  • Provide training to any employee looking to develop their Welsh language skills in the workplace.

  • Strengthen our appeal both within and outside Wales.

  • Ensure conformity to the linguistic and cultural specifications in legislation and best practice guidance as approved by the Welsh Language Commissioner.

Among those who do not speak Welsh there is goodwill and a sense of ownership towards the language and a recognition by all of its contribution to the culture, society and economy of Wales.