Established as the UK’s first rugby subscription service in 2018, Rugby Box has amazingly grown to launch its first physical store as a rugby related distributor. After catching up with Si from Rugby Box, he explains the brand’s “focus on building the best rugby player experience possible” and gives details on the trials and successes that make this brand what it is today.

Founder Scott Warner’s passion for rugby as a rugby player himself pushed him towards the idea of giving back to the sport that he knows and loves. “The initial concept was to provide players with a seasonal box, to keep them kitted out throughout the year.” Si tells us. This demonstrated a large amount of popularity amongst many different rugby players; children and clubs alike.
The most enjoyable part of Rugby Box is giving back, “It's the freedom and excitement of being about to craft a business that serves the community. It makes sense that the joy of creating something with passion for the products can do so well!”
The delivery of “an incredible experience” as Si calls it, is not always as easy as it looks at times. The instinct to always do more and keep giving the most to the company can be somewhat difficult, as Si tells us, “There’s never enough hours in the day”. He also mentions that sometimes there can be a challenge of balance as the company prides itself on their amazing quality of customer service. Though it seems that as the company has expanded, things like time and service are becoming more in equilibrium.
Eco consciousness has become a major part of the business as it has expanded too. Si explains that the Rugby Box is always aiming to be increasingly more efficient- whether that be in customer service or reducing environmental impacts. “We are still learning of course, but we are always striving to improve”.
It is early days in terms of eco-consciousness for Rugby Box. “Packaging is obviously a big consideration for us and one of our main business outputs.” Si tells us.
This being a major output for the business meant that it was the first thing that they wanted to tackle in terms of sustainability and they seem to be fans of the Simplelifeco paper mailers! “Simplelifeco have allowed us to make those initial steps towards a more eco friendly business.” and Si hopes that this will be the first of many steps!
“Business wise, there are no limits” Si states ambitiously. As the brand is heavily focused on providing exceptional customer service and great value the future seems luminous and provides much room for more plans and aspirations.
“We want to be the go-to place for rugby players, first and foremost, but for clubs and fans too.”. Again, Si gives an example of how Rugby Box as a brand is very focused on customer satisfaction and giving back to the sport in general.
To anyone thinking of starting a business, Si’s advice is pretty clear and shows to have worked for the business itself. “It's important to have a plan, it definitely helps...but the doing part is more important.” He finally says “Follow your passion.”
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