Compostable Mailers… the what's, why's and how's

As you are aware, Simplelifeco UK Compostable Mailers are made from a mix of cornstarch and biodegradable polymers. When you have finished using them, simply pop them in the food waste collection bin and, in time and in the correct conditions, they will biodegrade.
Our Simplelifeco UK mailers comply with the European Industrial Composting Standard and are certified EN13432.
That sounds great, right... but what does this even mean?

In a nutshell, the European Industrial Composting Standard describes the requirements for packaging that is recoverable through composting and biodegradation.
There is an internationally agreed four stage process which involves lab testing to prove that the material used for our mailers is suitable for composting in industrial conditions.
All four tests needed to have be passed in order for us to be able to put the correct certification on the reverse of our mailers.
All four tests needed to have be passed in order for us to be able to put the correct certification on the reverse of our mailers.

Industrial composting is an established process for transforming biodegradable waste of biological origin into stable, sanitised products to be used in agriculture. Pretty cool right?
There are different types of technology used to make compost, but the general process of composting is the same. There are two phases, Active Composting and Curing.
Active Composting
The active composting phase lasts a minimum of 21 days. In these conditions, microorganisms grow on organic waste, breaking it down to CO2 and water and using it as a nutrient.
During the active composting phase, organic waste is combined into piles or “heaps”.
It gets pretty hot in there as part of the energy that gets released into the surrounding environment is heat. Temperatures in these compost heaps range between 50°C and 60°C for the 21 days, and need to remain above 60°C for at least one week, in order to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.
It gets pretty hot in there as part of the energy that gets released into the surrounding environment is heat. Temperatures in these compost heaps range between 50°C and 60°C for the 21 days, and need to remain above 60°C for at least one week, in order to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.
The final stage of composting is curing. During this phase, the rate of decomposition declines to a slow and steady pace. As the temperature gets cooler the compost matures and produces maximum organic matter.
The end result is nutrient rich compost that the worms love!
The end result is nutrient rich compost that the worms love!

So there you have it! Such a simple, feel good way to post parcels and Mother Earth will love you for it.
The compost produced in these facilities can be used in farms, plant nurseries or for a whole variety of things including being sold directly to customers as compost.
Avoid unnecessary contribution to landfill and grab your 100% Compostable Mailing Bags today!
Stay tuned for the next one!
Beth 💛🧡🌍🌱✨